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About Us 

Teledyne Geophysical Instruments has earned a strong reputation in the industry for delivering high-quality marine seismic exploration products. Our products are used aboard more than one-third of all commercial seismic research vessels.

The Teledyne name in the geophysical industry dates back to the 1960s, when some of our earliest designs for streamer cables, energy sources, and recording systems were put to use aboard seismic research vessels around the world. 

Geophysical Instruments carries on this tradition, and has earned a strong reputation in the industry for designing, building, and delivering high-quality, reliable, and durable marine seismic exploration products. Our products are used aboard more than one-third of all commercial seismic research vessels. 

We continue our focus on serving the needs of the geophysical industry, but we also eagerly assist non-geophysical organizations in finding solutions to their marine data acquisition needs. Our versatile designs for hydrophones and streamer cables can be easily adapted to a variety of unique applications. Additionally, we offer a variety of specialty products and services that are designed to meet specific needs of customers. ​


Geophysical Instruments has facilities in Houston, Texas. 

Teledyne Geophysical is accredited to Management System standards: ISO 9001:2015


We stand as a trusted partner for industries such as:

  • Oil & Gas
  • Defense
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Geotechnical engineering

The Unique Value We Offer:

  • Best-in-class products, engineered solutions, and services
  • Focus on environmental stewardship
  • Field-proven product quality and reliability
  • Security of supply
  • Continuous product improvements
  • Committed customer support
  • Access to the full portfolio of Teledyne companies and research facilities ​

We offer specialized acoustic sources tailored to meet the unique demands of shallow water exploration, deep basin exploration, deep-crustal seismology studies, and more. Our eSource product line​, the world’s first bandwidth-controlled acoustic source and specifically designed with environmental sustainability in mind, underscores our responsibility to minimize the ecological impact of exploration activities. Bolt’s adaptability and versatility ensures that we not only meet the current demands of geoscience exploration but also contribute to sustainable practices across a spectrum of applications.​

Our cutting-edge streamer arrays set the benchmark for the geoscience industry. These digital cables are meticulously tailored to your specifications, featuring scalable systems and seamless compatibility with the recording system of your preference. Complemented by our industry-leading proprietary buoyancy filler and bespoke auxiliary components, our streamer arrays offer a comprehensive and tailored solution for your towed array needs. Learn more >

Waterproof electrical cable, high-pressure hydrophones​, and waterproof electrical terminations for marine environments with elevated p​​ressure conditions; and transducer units integrated with the hydrophones. ​​Learn more about AG Geophysical >​​​​

 Our services include, but are not limited to:​​​

  • Custom streamer manufacturing
  • Airgun testing​​
  • Hydrophone and sensor manufacturing
  • Custom cables and assemblies
  • Built-to-print manufacturing​​​​​



​​​​​United States

5825 Chimney Rock Road
Houston, TX 77081
Phone: 713-666-2561
Fax: 713-666-9703
[email protected]

​Customer Terms and Conditions

T​​eledyne General Terms and Conditions of Sale 🡥​​​​​​