Episode 32: Slocum Glider "Silbo" Circumnavigates the Atlantic Ocean - Part 2


​​​​​​​​​This episode is the second in a special four-part series on “Silbo", Teledyne Webb Research's autonomous underwater glider that recently made the first-ever circumnavigation of the Atlantic Ocean by an unmanned underwater vehicle. In this episode of Marine Tech Talk, we are joined by Justin Shapiro, Former Applications Engineer – Slocum Glider, Teledyne Webb Research. Justin discusses the recovery of Silbo in Ireland, the training course that the glider team was able to arrange there while Silbo was being cleaned up and refit, and then the planning and work that was done during leg three of the journey in the Canary Islands.​

​Justin Shapiro, Former Applications Engineer – Slocum Glider, Teledyne Webb Researc​h​​​​