Welcome to Teledyne SeaBotix Support Home Page

The site contains important information about our SeaBotix ROVs including manuals, software and firmware updates, service notes, training material, and instructions on how to return your SeaBotix ROV for service, should that be required. We recommend that you bookmark this page in your bro​wser for easy access to important information about your vehicle. Please check back periodically for new updates and additional content.​

​Support Email

[email protected]

Support Phone
+1 508-563-1000

Hours of Operation
5:00 am - 5:00 pm (M-F) Eastern Time

SeaBotix was incorporated in 2001 and had two decades of experience supporting commercial and military applications, with excellent results.  In all, over 2000 units were sold.  The LBV, and vLBV systems offered features for use in a full range of applications, industries, and environments. Teledyne purchased SeaBotix in 2014, and due to changing market conditions, decided to discontinue the production of SeaBotix vehicles in 2025.​​​