Product: Teledyne Webb Research G2 Slocum Glider
Location: Wanganui
Photo submitted by: Fiona Elliott, NIWA
Named after the popular 1980's TV series, show us your clever field rigging, deployments, techniques and field fixes
Paddling home after a discharge measurement.
Product: Teledyne RDI StreamPro with SxS
Location: Gilchrist Blue Springs, Gilchrist county Florida
Photo submitted by: Kevin Jones, Suwannee River Water Management District
THESE WINNERS WILL receive a timely new PhoneSoap UV Sanitizer (stay connected, charged, and safe!)
We had so many great entries, we wanted to recognize a few more via our newly added honorable mention category.
Bathymetry Survey and Hydrometry at Shama on River Pra Basin for water Extraction
Product: Teledyne RD Instrument Workhorse Rio Grande ADCP 1200kHz and 600kHz
Location: Shama, Western Region of Ghana
Photo submitted by: Ing. Gabriel Appiah, CSIR Water Research Institute
Oceanscience Q1250 at Boedecker Reservoir to collect data for a Stage Capacity table from post flossing.
Product: Teledyne Oceanscience Q1250
Location: Loveland, Colorado
Photo submitted by: Matt Nichols
Mapping mesophotic reefs in Bermuda
Product: Teledyne Gavia AUV
Location: Bermuda
Photo submitted by: Art Trembanis, University of Delaware
When arriving to the field site after a bush plane flight and snowmobile ride in -10 degree F weather, all you can do is hope that you've covered all your bases. On the Aniak River (Alaska) we are using a StreamPro ADCP modified to perform section-by-section measurements under the ice. In order to keep the bluetooth connection strong, the computer operator needed to sit inside the heated tracked-ATV, while the rest of the team continued the under ice measurement.
Product: Teledyne StreamPro ADCP, Section-by-Section Pro software
Location: Aniak River, Alaska
Photo submitted by: Leah Ellis, Alaska Department of Fish & Game
One of the seven Gavia AUV's operated by UTEC working in a UK windfarm
Product: Teledyne Gavia AIV
Location: UK North Sea
Photo submitted by: Trevor Pugh, UTEC Survey
Indian Moored buoy system deployed for 1 year
Product: Teledyne 150kHz ADCP
Location: Arabian Sea
Photo submitted by: Venkatesan Ramasamy, National Institute of Ocean Technology,Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India