Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Extends ADCP Fleet.

Warsaw, Poland. September 14, 2022 - Teledyne Marine announces a tender won for 54 ADCP units from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management-National Research Institute in Warsaw, Poland. The 54 units were won in three lots calling for various Teledyne ADCPs. Those lots include 23 RiverPros, 6 RiverRays, and 25 StreamPros. All units will consist of DGPS antennas, software, and rugged field tablets. With nearly 40,000 products delivered worldwide, Teledyne RD Instruments is the industry’s leading manufacturer of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) for current profiling and wave measurement applications; and Doppler Velocity Logs (DVLs) for precision underwater navigation applications.
The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management-National Research Institute has been using Teledyne RDI ADCPs for almost 20 years. With this purchase, they will refresh and extend their fleet of ADCPs for flood risk management, water discharge monitoring, and environmental studies. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management-National Research Institute celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2019. Since 1919 they have provided meteorological and hydrological coverage, forecasts, and climate data acquisition for Poland. The institute collaborates with world-class professionals to monitor, forecast, and analyze metrological and hydrological data.

The 1200 kHz RiverPro has been purpose-built for shallow river applications (20 cm to 25 m range) And to provide an upgrade path for our current industry gold-standard Rio Grande ADCP users.

Go straight to work collecting highly accurate stream and river discharge data with the RIVERRAY ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)

The StreamPro ADCP revolutionizes discharge and velocity measurement in streams from 15-600 cm depth. Its bottom tracking capability allows it to move continuously across the stream to obtain a discharge measurement in two or three minutes instead of thirty minutes to an hour using the older point-by-point method.