Oceanology International 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​See You in London Booth F100 March 12 - 14, 2024

Home | Product Launches​ | Dockside Demo​s​ | On-Water Vessel Demo​

Please stop by and visit Teledyne Marine’s booth # F100, which has been purposely designed to serve as a collaboration zone, with ample space to relax and connect with Teledyne Marine team members in a comfortable, open and engaging setting. ​

​​Produc​​t Launches ​​

Join Us for the Slocum Sentinel Product Launch and Cocktail Party!

You are cordially invited to Teledyne Marine’s Slocum Sentinel Product Launch Cocktail Party, 3 pm on March 12 at Booth #F100. Learn about the Next Generation Long Endurance Glider, enjoy  delightful appetizers, craft beers, wine, or the “Sen​​tinel Dive”  cocktail du jour. Our very own product line manager, Shea Quinn, will be delivering an engaging presentation on the new Slocum Sentinel Glider.​ 

You’ll also walk away with a special gift just for joining us! RSVP here at: https://forms.gle/YKSYVhLtrudLBBjM8

Along with the launch of the Slocum Sentinel Glider, we will also be showcasing Teledyne Benthos’ new Acoustic Trigger feature, in partnership with Sea Mammal Education Learning Technology Society (SMELTS) ropeless lobster rafts, which has resulted in a game-changing solution for sustainable ropeless lobster fishing and has enabled a safer and more efficient fishing experience.​​


​​Dockside and On-Water Vessel Demonstrations​

Join us for dockside demonstrations and see our products up close, including the Maritime Robotics Otter USV with Teledyne’s Seabat® T51-ASV, CodeVintec’s CK-14 USV with Teledyne’s SeaBat® T20-ASV, and the Seafloor Systems Echoboat 240 USV with Teledyne’s SeaBat® T51-R. We will also conduct on-water vessel demonstrations featuring the Manor Brunel with SeaBat® T51-R.

​​​Dockside Demonstrations​​

​​​T​​​​UESDAY MARCH 12​


​​Cabin 2

​Ma​ritime Robotics Otter USV with SeaBat® T51-ASV​


​​​Cabin 1

CodeVintec’s CK-14 USV​ and SeaBat® T20-ASV


​​​​Cabin 1

​Maritime Robotics Otter USV with SeaBat® T51-ASV


​​​​​Cabin 1

​Seafloor Systems Echoboat 240 USV with SeaBat® T51-R​



​​​Cabin 2

CodeVintec’s CK-14 USV and SeaBat® T20-ASV


​Cabin 1

​Seafloor Systems Echoboat 240 USV with SeaBat® T51-R



​Cabin 1

CodeVintec’s CK-14 USV​ and SeaBat® T20-ASV


​Cabin 1

​Seafloor Systems Echoboat 240 USV with SeaBat® T51-R​

​Teledyne RESON SeaBAt T51-R On-Water Vessel Demon​strations​

Teledyne Marine is partnering with GeoSight to provide on-water demonstrations of the SeaBat® T51-R multibeam echosounder on survey vessel Brunel. The Brunel is a purpose-built platform for the acquisition of detailed hydrographic and geophysical data and is equipped with a SeaBat® T51-R, Teledyne Odom E20 singlebeam echosounder, Teledyne RDI Workhorse ADCP, and GNSS INS for permanent mobilization. Witness our revolutionary new feature in action; Vertical Detection Mode, which produces the best possible data along quay walls in multi-path rich environments. Additionally, we will showcase automated features that enable the multibeam to operate​ independently.



​​Demo #1

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #2

​​Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #3

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #4

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #5


​Demo #6

Pre-register for the demo


​​Demo #7

Pre-register for the demo



​Demo #8

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #9

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #10

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #11

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #12


​Demo #13

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #14

Pre-register for the demo



​Demo #15

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #16

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #17

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #18

Pre-register for the demo


​Demo #19



​Demo #20

Pre-register for the demo

3/12/2024 12:00 AM
3/16/2024 12:00 AM
No London, UK