Building upon the 20-year success of its industry standard Workhorse Long Ranger Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), Teledyne RD Instruments (TRDI) announces the launch of its next-generation long-range ADCP, the Pinnacle 45.
Rated to a depth of 2000 m, the 45 kHz phased array Pinnacle ADCP delivers a 1000 m current profiling range with a decreased size and weight, a game-changing field-swappable system configuration for real-time or self-contained applications, independent or interlaced long-range and high-resolution modes, as well as many other innovative new features and product enhancements.
The highly versatile Pinnacle 45 can be used for real-time applications, such as oil rig monitoring; moving boat applications, such as mid to deep water oceanographic studies; or self-contained applications, such as bottom-mounted, mid-column, or surface buoys used to collect long range, precision current profiling data.