North Falmouth, Massachusetts, – October, 2022: A global leader in the provision of marine unmanned systems, Teledyne Marine – Vehicles announces that the Ministry of Defence of Poland has procured, through Remontowa Shipbuilding three additional GAVIA Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) for its next batch of Kormoran II Class new MCMVs. The anticipated delivery of three systems will be added to the current GAVIA AUV fleet, which has been successfully operated by the Polish Navy for Naval Mine CounterMeasures (NMCM) since 2015.
To complement the GAVIA AUVs previously procured, the acquisition will include all required topside equipment, as well as the AUV operation and maintenance trainings.
In 2014, Teledyne Gavia completed a competitive tender process for the delivery of the first MCM AUVs for the Polish Navy, winning the contract on the basis of best value with conformance to the required functional and technical requirements. Based on the Polish Navy's experience, the GAVIA AUV has been selected once again, as the Navy is expanding its fleet of MCMVs.
The GAVIA vehicles will mirror the AUVs previously delivered. The new AUVs will be equipped with the latest EdgeTech 2205 side scan sonars (EdgeTech, West Wareham, MA, USA) and BlueView MB2250 Microbathymetry Module (Teledyne Reson, Denmark), providing simultaneous dual frequency 600 /1600 kHz side scan sonar with gapfill . Inertial navigation will be provided by the PHINS C5 (iXblue, France) inertial navigation system (INS), aided by a 600kHz Pathfinder DVL (Teledyne RDI, CA, USA). Additionally, to enhance interoperability with other systems the AUVs will be equipped with C-Node modems (Kongsberg Maritime, Norway) for USBL tracking from the Kormoran II class MCMVs.
With the imaging and navigation sensors listed above, the AUV will be able to gather high resolution, accurately navigated, sonar images while remaining submerged for several hours of continuous operation at survey speeds up to five knots. Each GAVIA AUV will be delivered with several field-replaceable battery modules (Teledyne Energy Systems, USA). The combination of sensors ensures that the GAVIA AUV is ideal for mine countermeasures (MCM), as well as search and salvage operations, in continental-shelf waters and beyond. Future addition of a Reson T20 Multibeam Echosounder will provide expanded capability for pipeline tracking and inspection of critical infrastructure.GAVIA AUVs in Poland continue to be supported locally through Enamor Ltd (Gdynia, Poland), Teledyne Gavia's official representative in Poland. Enamor is a research and production company focused on new technology and active in many projects in Poland in the fields of navigation, communication, hydrography and automation.
Maciej Rek, CEO, stated, "Over the years, Teledyne Gavia and Enamor have formed a strong relationship based on the success of the Gavia AUV in Poland, as well as the local support that has been provided by Enamor."
Valentin Hanns, Director of Sales – EMEA at Teledyne Marine, said, "We are very excited to see the continued success of the Polish Navy with the use of the GAVIA AUV. The GAVIA AUV operational flexibility, the ease of through-life support, and modular upgrade paths have really contributed to the suitability of this AUV for addressing a variety of critical defense challenges."
The GAVIA AUV has a low-logistics, fully modular design. The design facilitates rapid transport and maintenance, while it is also designed to increase operational availability and reliability. Each GAVIA AUV can also be equipped with a variety of additional sensor modules at the time of initial purchase or at a later date. This versatility creates an asset which can be configured for MCM, search & salvage or hydrography missions, without needing to be dedicated to just one task. In the future, the AUVs delivered in Poland can be equipped with modules for multi-beam bathymetry, sub-bottom profiling, or even submarine emulator sonar training targets, without returning any of the equipment back to the manufacturer.
Expansion in Poland is a significant milestone for the GAVIA AUV user community, as it demonstrated the confidence of GAVIA AUVs for MCM by the Armed Forces of Poland. Previous knowledge gained from operating the GAVIA AUVs in Poland has helped develop the concept of use of AUVs in the Polish maritime theatre. Significant benefits have been demonstrated with the use of a low-logistics AUV asset that continues to carry out both MCM and hydrography missions.
About Teledyne Gavia
eledyne Gavia provides turnkey survey solutions to customers undertaking a variety of tasks for military, commercial and scientific applications. The Gavia AUV can carry an array of sensors and custom payload modules that make it perfect for any research, monitoring or surveillance task where autonomy, cost and ease of deployment matters. Its modular design allows for rapid sensor reconfiguration and battery replacement. Teledyne Gavia's manufacturing facility comprises a 1,500 square meter building in Kopavogur, Iceland, with research, engineering, production, and sea trial facilities on Iceland's North Atlantic coast. For more information, visit Teledyne Gavia's website at www.teledynemarine.com/gavia
About Teledyne Marine
Teledyne Marine is a group of leading-edge subsea technology companies that are part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated. Through acquisitions and collaboration over the past ten years, Teledyne Marine has evolved into an industry powerhouse, bringing Imaging, Instruments, Interconnect, Seismic, and Vehicle technology together to provide total solutions to our customers. Each Teledyne Marine company is a leader in its respective field, with a shared commitment to providing premium products backed by unparalleled service and support. www.teledynemarine.com